Truth: a simple 5 letter word that has many defitions. What are they? Of course, I went to my fav dictionary site., and this is what I found:
truth /truθ/ Show Spelled[trooth] Show IPA
noun, plural truths /truðz, truθs/ Show Spelled[troothz, trooths]
1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4. the state or character of being true.
5. actuality or actual existence.
If truth is so simple, then why do we often struggle with telling the truth, or being completely open with one another? It can be suggested that we release something when we tell the truth. As adults, we look at children who say things like "She stinks", or "He's really bald" and we shut down those thoughts and dismiss them as being rude. While this may be the case, the larger issue that would remain would lie in what it does to the child if it is not explained effectively. We then grow up learning not to show or express our true selves, for fear of judgment, rejection, or being hurt. The irony is, we have a God that we serve that loves us unconditionally, no matter whatever the truth may be. So why then, wouldn't we be honest with one another, if we are truly covered under the blood? Just a few random thoughts....selah..
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