Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wow....My God...the FIGHTER

So...It is something about Psalms!!  This entire book is giving me LIFE right say the least.  Let me start at the beginning. It says in 46:1..."God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble..." (NLT)  To me, that suggests that when you don't feel his presence, he is ready to jump in to the rescue if  you NEED him....

I have felt all week long that I was fighting this fight by myself, that I always had to be the strong one, the one who had to hold everything together.  This can be a gift and a curse, as when you do have those moments of weakness, it is often difficult to find someone on whom you can lean.  This has always been my private hell, and this has been a cross that I carried silently.  After all, how do you let people know that you need HELP?  To me, to admit that was to admit that I was weak, and I was taught never to be weak.  I don't know why I am sharing this...perhaps it will help someone. make a long story short, had lunch with a friend, who told is okay to be weak.  You don't have to be strong ALL the time.  Yes, I had heard this before, and even said it to myself, but on today, when she spoke somehow restored me.  I remembered what I read this morning in Psalms...."He is ALWAYS ready to help in times of trouble..."  To have a God that is that vigilant for your success that he is WILLING to help in times of trouble...that breathes life to me, and lets me know that I don't have to do it on my THAT'S a Selah....

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