Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Imagine Me...

For some reason, I woke up this morning with the following song in my heart:

Imagine me
Loving what I see when the mirror looks at me cause I
I imagine me
In a place of no insecurities
And I'm finally happy cause
I imagine me

Letting go of all of the ones who hurt me
Cause they never did deserve me
Can you imagine me?
Saying no to thoughts that try to control me
Remembering all you told me
Lord, can you imagine me?
Over what my mama said
And healed from what my daddy did
And I wanna live and not read that page again

Imagine if we lived these words on a daily basis...what would our lives be?  The trouble is, we have the option to live our lives this way...totally free from the judgment of others and in the love of our Fathers.  My challenge is that we aspire to live our lives in this manner..free and safe in His Love...Selah

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Undying Faith...

Wow...It has bee a minute since I wrote anything.  This mainly because I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to do so...but I'm BACK!!! 

One of the things I am really learning in this season is how to have faith, unconditional faith, undying faith...the kind of faith that sees-nothing-but-believes-all kind of faith.  I woke up this morning, and for whatever reason, Romans 8:38-39 came to mind:

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This is the kind of faith of which I am speaking.  This faith says that while everything seems impossible, with Him all things are possible.  In this season of my life, I have found that those things I have given up on are slowly starting to come to pass.  I have come to grips with the realization that God loves me so much that He allows things to happen FOR my good.  Notice, I didn't say that they were all good, but they work together FOR my good.  These are the kind of events that we experience years down the road, and can look back and say, "Wow...that's why I went through that..."  Now, just take a moment, pause and think of the GOODNESS of Jesus, and ALL that he has done for YOU...because he LOVES YOU!!!  Isn't that enough to have faith?? Selah...