Friday, September 30, 2011

How Can You See God?

I asked a question of one of my sister-friends...."How can you see God in a person?"  Oftentimes that person doesn't see God in themselves.  We go through situations in life, and we don't see the pieces coming together until we have a finished product.  David was called a man after God's own heart, yet he was also a liar, a murderer and an adulterer.  David cries out all through Psalms for God's mercy and protection. 

My challenge is that you seek to find God in all situations, and in all individuals.  It will make life that much sweeter....Selah...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How’s Your Relationship with God?

Saw this and thought it bared repeating.

“I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.”

Jn 5:30 NKJV

The relationship Jesus had with His Father is the kind of relationship that He wants you to have with Him. Three things describe that relationship. For the next few days let’s look at each of them: (1) Intimacy. Jesus said, “The Father loves the Son and shows him all he does” (Jn 5:20 NIV). You interact with many people throughout the day, but you only share your heart with those you trust, and with whom you have a close relationship. So, how close are you to God right now? Close enough to hear when He speaks to you? Close enough to know when you’ve said or done something which has grieved Him? Close enough to feel the warmth of His presence? The truth is, you are as close to God right now as you desire to be, decide to be, and discipline yourself to be. Nothing is born unless there is first an act of intimacy between two people, and intimacy is based on one word: “desire.” How much do you desire God? David said, “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you” (Ps 63:1 NIV). Do you desire His house? “They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights” (Ps 36:8 NIV). Do you desire His Word? “I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread” (Job 23:12 NIV).

I Need You...

Was listening to Eddie James this morning..."I need You"....for some reason the words struck me.  We say we need God, but what actions do we do that suggest we actually NEED God?  Do we cry out for Him?  Are we truly worshipping the Living God?  For me, that became my solemn prayer.  I NEED Him, and nothing, no place, no one else will do.....Selah

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Word For You Today -- Online Devotionals: Recognize When You Need Help

Word For You Today -- Online Devotionals: Recognize When You Need Help: “Moses…became so tired…Aaron and Hur…stood on each side… holding up his hands.” Ex 17:11-12 NLT

We like to think of ourselves as self...

The Beautiful Rhetoric of Grace

Grace is such a simple word, yet it has far reaching meanings and implications.  What does it mean to truly have grace?  One might say that grace means that even though a person does or enacts a wrong, that wrong is thereby 'covered' or treated as if it never occurred. Of course, when I went to gather a meaning for the word grace, the following definitions stood out to me:

  • favor or goodwill. Synonyms: kindness, kindliness, love, benignity; condescension.
  • a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior: It was only through the dean's grace that I wasn't expelled from school. Synonyms: forgiveness, charity, mercifulness. Antonyms: animosity, enmity, disfavor.
  • mercy; clemency; pardon: He was saved by an act of grace from the governor. Synonyms: lenity, leniency, reprieve. Antonyms: harshness.
 The word grace appears 159 times in the King James version of the Bible, so it would stand to reason that the rhetoric, or meaning of the word is clear to God:  extend grace.  Allow others the opportunity to be human.  It is through such actions that we are allowed to be truly who God created us to be.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How You Truly See Someone....

Oftentimes, we are afraid to be truthful because of how we think that will make us look.  We fear judgment from our peers, family and friends based upon a perception that we think they have of us.  The question always becomes, "How do you see me?"  We dare not ask the question out loud, for fear that we are not ready for the answer.  We instead choose to adjust our image to be pleasing the sight of others.  However, I can't help but wonder, who is really impressed by that?  We had a guest speaker at church a few weeks ago, and he stated the following:

If you want to impress someone, tell them of your successes.  If you want to impact  someone, tell them of your failures. 

That really stuck with me, as we tend to cover up our failures while broadcasting our successes.  To me, what that does is create a 'perfect image' of a person, who is placed on a pedestal so high that we dare not mess up for fear that the 'perfect image' is tainted, and we are looking up at the pedestal, afraid to share our own shortcomings.  Ironically, the image exists only in our minds.  We each have a testimony, and we have it for a reason.  That reason is not to say "Oh I made it through that" but rather to say, "Look at what and where God has brought me from."  If we be honest with ourselves, is this not how we truly want to be seen?  Is this not how we desire to truly see someone?  Selah..

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Truth...

Truth:  a simple 5 letter word that has many defitions.  What are they?  Of course, I went to my fav dictionary site., and this is what I found:

truth   /truθ/ Show Spelled[trooth] Show IPA

noun, plural truths  /truðz, truθs/ Show Spelled[troothz, trooths]

1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4. the state or character of being true.
5. actuality or actual existence.

If truth is so simple, then why do we often struggle with telling the truth, or being completely open with one another?  It can be suggested that we release something when we tell the truth.  As adults, we look at children who say things like "She stinks", or "He's really bald" and we shut down those thoughts and dismiss them as being rude.  While this may be the case, the larger issue that would remain would lie in what it does to the child if it is not explained effectively.  We then grow up learning not to show or express our true selves, for fear of judgment, rejection, or being hurt.  The irony is, we have a God that we serve that loves us unconditionally, no matter whatever the truth may be.  So why then, wouldn't we be honest with one another, if we are truly covered under the blood?  Just a few random thoughts....selah..

Friday, September 23, 2011

Gift and a Curse...

The major drawback of being strong is that it is difficult to perceive weakness, therefore one assumes that you don't need them, when in fact you actually do...

It's an interesting paradox, because when one is in that position, and they try to express themselves, they are brushed aside, as though it is nearly impossible to assume that this person has any feelings. When they do, often the response given is to suck it up, don't worry about it, or other cues that their behavior is somewhat unwarranted. Eventually a person shuts down, because face it, at the end of the day, we all want to be heard. So while the trapped person feels that they need to be heard, others around them assume that the person is impermeable, like Teflon, and anything bounces off of them. Honestly, the opposite couldn't be more true. The sad thing is, they are people with feelings too, and if we truly have the Love of Christ, then we accept, embrace them and pray for them. This is how we build the Kingdom...


He wanders in and out of doorways, windows and cracks,
Making you think that "I'm good," when in fact you could open a can....

That small voice that tries to tell you that they still owe you
When the deed is in fact already done...


One of my church members started building a restaurant a few months ago. I saw him in service on Thursday with the official logo of the company that he built. In modern technology, 3 months is no time when building a major edifice or infrastructure.

I thought about this and how it applies to our spiritual walk with Christ. When we come to Him we are washed clean, sins erased and names transferred from the Book of Death to the Book of Life. It takes nothing more than our simply asking for forgiveness and moving forward with the life that God has intended for us to live.

The Daily Battle

Often times, as believers we understand fighing the big fights....those larger than life sins that we know not to commit--adultery, murder, etc.  What happens with those little things?  Being short with a friend, or failing to tell the whole truth when asked a question?  How do those indiscretions challenge our daily lives and our walk with Christ?  In one of my bathrooms, I had a small leak in my old house.  Over time, the small dripping of the leak led to having to have the floor replaced.  I kicked myself, thinking, if only I had caught the small leak....that's how sin is in the body of Christ.  While we watch for the large things, its the small things that often have us bound....just my thoughts.  You don't have to agree.

Generosity...the Killer of Pride

Pay it forward.” This popular phrase describes the importance of taking the good things one receives and giving to others. Paul realized this principle as he challenged the Corinthians to consider the purpose of God’s provision.

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God (2Corinthians9:11).

God’s blessing and provision bring much joy to our lives. Many believers received exactly what they need at precisely the right moment. Other believers seem to receive much more than they need. The key principle lies in the purpose for the provision God gives us. God desires that we “pay it forward” in generously giving as He directs.

Regardless of how we might feel about our personal wealth, God gives us the means to bless His kingdom and those around us. He wants us to look for opportunities to pass on His great blessings

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Renew Your Mind...

As I sat in class, my mind wandered off...I wondered, how is it that we really renew our minds?  Of course, I researched, and here is what I found....

What does it mean to 'renew'?  To renew:

1. to begin again; recommence.

2. to renew a lease, note, etc.

3. to be restored to a former state; become new or as if new again.
Again, this  was a revelation to me.  I liked the 3rd definition especially.  It just speaks that there was once chaos and now there is a calm that comes over a person. 

 Romans 12:2 states "2Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. AMP 

 To me, to renew the mind according to Romans and is to become new to the former state from whence an object [person] has come.  Often we talk about restoration, meaning to bring back.  Renewing has more of a powerful impact in my opinion, because this implies that we are able to be made 'new' again.  When we sin, we have the ability to repent of those sins.  Immediately, God forgives us of that sin and it is as if the sin never occurred.  We are RENEWED in Christ.  We are free from that sin, and able to move in the things of God.  The only person that would hold us back  We are often held back by our own guilt, shame, and fear.  From those three things our purpose is held.  This is not the intent of our Creator.  It is our duty to live out what it says in Romans 12:2....renew our minds, make our minds new.  This has to be done daily....renew our minds, make our minds new....Selah...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Walk the Path of Deliverance

1. Conversion,Repentance and Confession

  • Conversion-come to a saving relationship
  • Repent-repent for sin with a heart not to return to the sin
  • Confess-confess sin (fault) to trusted accountability partner
2. Get back to Your Rightful Place in Christ

Begin to fill those empty spaces with the things of God. This not only includes reading the Word, but having faith to engage in activities (spiritual gifts) that edify the body. Flee those things that are not of God (relationships, friendships, other distractions, etc.)


3. Know who You are in Christ

Have an understanding of who you are and what you are called to do within the body of Christ and operate in those gifts. Cast out the spirit of fear when it comes to those areas with which you are not familiar. Refuse to succumb to the lies of the enemy (mindset change, which is DAILY).


4. Remain humble.

Resign to the will of God for my life (personal, spiritual, etc). This includes leadership in all respects.  BE OPEN TO HOWEVER GOD WILL USE YOU!


5. Remove pride, rebellion and unforgiveness in your life.

This goes along with remaining humble and repenting of sin.  Do not hold on to offenses but rather release those to God.



6. Personal deliverance

Continue to cast down those spirits and things that are not of God, rather than succumb and allow those things to remain in my life. Continously walk out the process, rather than sit and fall.



7. Remain faithful and free.

Need help in this area?  Pray this prayer:
God I fully accept you as my Lord and Savior, and I accept that Your Son, Jesus Christ, died on the Cross, was buried, and rose on the 3rd Day.  I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and repent of those ways in order to turn my life totally and completely over to You.  I repent of _______ and turn from that sin. (Name all sins, etc).  I submit to Your plan for my life.  In Jesus' name,  Amen.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Successes and Failures

Heard this and thought it bared repeating...if you want to impress someone, tell them of your successes.  If you want to impact them, tell them of your failures....

I honestly think that we all need that one person with which you can be totally transparent.  This person knows all of your high points, as well as all of your dirt.  And even when they know...they will never uncover or expose you.  Do you have that person in your life?

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Potter and the Clay

This morning, I was curious as to how pottery is made...what are the processes that clay undergoes to become something beautiful?  Of course I googled and this is what I found:

Pottery is made by forming the clay body into objects of a required shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kiln which removes all water from the clay, which induces reactions that lead to permanent changes including increasing their strength and hardening and setting their shape. A clay body can be decorated before or after firing. Prior to some shaping processes, clay must be prepared. kneading helps to ensure an even moisture content throughout the body. Air trapped within the clay body needs to be removed. This is called de-airing and can be accomplished by a machine called a vacuum pug or manually by wedging. Wedging can also help produce an even moisture content. Once a clay body has been kneaded and de-aired or wedged, it is shaped by a variety of techniques. After shaping it is dried and then fired.

This is straight ministry to me!  Think about it:

"Pottery is made by forming the clay body into objects of a required shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kiln which removes all water from the clay, which induces reactions that lead to permanent changes including increasing their strength and hardening and setting their shape."

When we are striving to be like Christ, our likeness forms to be that of what He requires.  This process is not immediate, as we strive to be like him DAILY.  When we go through trials, this is similar to going through the fire.  Remember the 3 Hebrew boys?  Once we have gone through the fire, permanant changes in our character occurs that shapes us to be more like Christ.

A clay body can be decorated before or after firing. Prior to some shaping processes, clay must be prepared. kneading helps to ensure an even moisture content throughout the body. Air trapped within the clay body needs to be removed. This is called de-airing and can be accomplished by a machine called a vacuum pug or manually by wedging.

When we are in the world, our likeness can take on that which influences us...our decorations.  Some of us even have masks after we come to the knowledge that is Christ simply because this has become habit, commonplace for us.  There are some some things that are immediate for our deliverance.  However, other things take time.  The clay does not cease to become clay simply because it is going through a shaping process.  In that respect, just because we are going through processes of deliverance, that does not mean that we are any less anointed or have the ability to do what we are called to do.  In order for the clay to be refined, all impurities must be removed.  That process is similar to the stripping process we undergo when striving to be like Christ.

Wedging can also help produce an even moisture content. Once a clay body has been kneaded and de-aired or wedged, it is shaped by a variety of techniques. After shaping it is dried and then fired.

In order for the clay to be properly molded, it has to be even throughout.  We have to get to a point where we are willing to be molded, and are even throughout...this speaks to humility.  The Psalmist David spoke of his own transgression in Psalms 51, saying "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me..." (v.10 AMP)  David was the ultimate worshipper because he understood the repentant heart, and was willing to be humble before God.  Even with the clay, the text simply says, "once a clay body has been kneaded and de-aired or wedged, it is shaped by a variety of techniques."  Once we have been shaped by the areas of our lives and become humble, we recognize our ability to be used even more.  As the text says.."after shaping it is dried and then fired."  David said this so eloquently in Psalms 51, saying, "My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.

Wow!  The Potter and the Clay.  Feel  like you need to be molded?  Pray this prayer today.

Father I come to you asking you for your forgiveness for my sins.  I ask today that you mold me into Your image, Your likeness for Your glory.  I strive to be like You, and if there are any areas in which I am not like You, I ask that you begin to cleanse those areas, like You did for David.  Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right, perservering and steadfast spirit within me.  And in my process, God, help me to have a broken spirit, a humble spirit, as this is the sacrifice You desire.  All things will work for Your glory, and in Your son Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.