Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just My Thoughts on Today...

Sometimes you need a little encouragement....

Ever have one of those days when you feel like the world is against you? That's how I felt yesterday...for whatever reason it seemed as though the anointing was not on my side. That's how the enemy works. He tries everything to make you lose your faith. Then I was reminded that sometimes you have to FORGET what is behind and REACH for your purpose. It's similar to driving. You have a rear view mirror, and you may use it from time to time, but your focus should be on what's ahead of you, and not what's behind you....life is entirely too short for that...Selah

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Seeing Clearly

So, I am embarking on this meatless fast, as I often do at the beginning of the year.  The major difference now is, I am going totally meatless, which I haven't done in the past.  I thought it would be a struggle, but this year really has been different for me.  For starters, there is a heightened sense of awareness that I didn't have before.  I don't know if things were there and I didn't see them, or if they didn't exist before.  One thing I know for certain:  it is impossible to return to my previous state. 

Oliver Wendell Holmes stated the following:  “The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size."  To me, that means an ever present move forward into the realization of the true nature of the self.  We think of this in terms of knowledge, but this has implications that reach beyond that as well.  This means that we can never really return to a state of ignorance.  For me, I see things clearly, and as each day goes by, I see more and more of what I am destined to see and move toward my destined purpose.  I am confident in Christ that I am able to answer the questions:

Who Am I? (Identity)
Why Am I Here? (Purpose)
What Will It Matter? (Destiny)


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Stepping Into Purpose

In this season of praying and fasting, it is designed to bring us closer to God.  However, what happens in the meantime is that we become focused on fasting portion, and not enough on the praying portion.  When this occurs, we become like the Sadduces and the Pharisses, who concentrated on their works and not their faith.  We have been given the victory, now is the time to walk in it!  The following post for today really encouraged me, and I hope it encouages you as well..


“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” Ps 127:1

In God’s Kingdom, center stage is not for those who think they’ve got their act together and deserve public recognition. Nor is it limited to those in leadership and public ministry. It’s a call to action, to you, whoever and wherever you are today. When you trust God’s timing He grooms you for bigger and better parts. But there are some things you must, and must not do: (1) Don’t try to make it on your own. Popular wisdom says, “Fake it till you make it,” and you’ll be tempted to debut in your own strength. Don’t do it! If you do, you will get in the way of a much greater production. The Bible says: “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” Trust God, and when your moment comes He will give you your cue. (2) Leave the shadows. Are you ready to transform “acting” into an authentic performance that reveals the real you? Fear of rejection is powerful. It takes courage to be yourself. But you gain strength from the struggle and power from the pain when you are willing to risk moving from the shadows into the light. (3) Confront your inner critic. We are all subject to the little voice within that says, “You’ll never be smart enough, rich enough, pretty enough or good enough to stand in the spotlight.” But when God raises you up, nobody can put you down. So remind your inner critic of God’s promise: “You shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak” (Jer 1:7 NKJV).