Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Have You Done for Your Fellow Man??

In light of the recent tragedy that has gone on in Haiti, several organizations have stepped up to the plate to make contributions to the island nation. However, the sad fact remains that there are some individuals who use such a plight to make money for themselves. Such scams have a way of quickly surfacing, as the deal often seems too good to be true: American Airlines providing free flights for doctors and nurses going to Haiti...UPS shipping packages for free that weigh in under 50 lbs, just to name a few. The following website,, has a list of reputable organizations who are GENUINELY interested in contributing to Haiti.

That brush aside, when such tragedies occur, I often wonder: Why is it that there is a sudden rush to help out or make charitable contributions? What happened to the society in which one volunteered because it was the right thing to do, and not simply because there was a natural disaster or crisis going on in a certain city, state or country? Have we become that involved in our lives that this is no longer a part of our agendas? Take for example, the Salvation Army. The agency is inundated with individuals who need assistance all year, yet we never think of them until Christmastime. And to think, the organization had to significantly reduce the amount of disbursments made this year because of a company who wrote a phony check for 25,000.

NOW is the time to get involved with your communities on a regular and continual basis, regardless of any plight or natural disaster. As a whole, we should find a way to give back to our respective communities, to build ourselves back up to our rightful place. The challenge we have before us is to contribute to and do the work that will rebuild our sense of charity, so that when a disaster like the one in Haiti strikes, we are already in place to lend a helping hand. What will you do for your fellow man today?

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